Into It. Over It. Into It. Over It. - Required Reading

Enemies and friends
The scale, it tips towards unfortunate ends
Weighs in on winters, now permanently inclement
It's off and on, but often awful through the worst of it
It "peels the paint from the walls"

Opinions on the shade will say the enemy is me
Drag out the fever, drink deep the disease
I'm not immune to a nice surprise
A waste of time
The expression in your eyes
It's enough to "peel the paint from the walls"
Opinions on the shade are always wrong

The game is cloak and dagger
Trashing homes to pay some rent
Destructive accusations work for earnings better spent
Suggestions say the wait is over
To move along, but take some cover
Beause it seems required reading bares no author as of late
Obscured to keep the cautious culture safe from harm
While mostly up to date

Enemies and friends
The scale, it tips towards unfortunate ends
Destroys the paint on my walls